Saturday, May 2, 2015

Let's Get Lost

Well, with my departure from Towers Watson fast approaching, I have had requests from coworkers and friends to keep a travel blog to follow my wandering way as I make it. Seeing as one of the primary goals of this open-ended sabbatical is to get back to writing, it seems as good a reason as any to get back in the habit and since I have always found it easier to write out true things, hopefully it's a ball I can get rolling now with my big trip to Zion and continue as the miles roll beneath me in the coming months.

I chose Where's Walden Now because Where's Walden was someone who hasn't posted since 2005, I should point out. It's frustrating, but I was enough of a Waldo fan (though why is Waldo the Americanization of a name like Wally?) to remember another book title and it seems fitting enough. This whole experience is to be Waldenesque: retreating from the structure of my life to this point, getting lost for really the first time in my life, and seeking focus, inspiration, and perspective. Walden has been something of a touchstone for me since I was introduced to it by Ross Friedman in AP English, returning in odd moments like the only time I called a Final Jeopardy answer by only the category ("Literary Places").

And while one goal of this next step is to find meaning in the quiet moments and to be as content alone as I am in a crowd, I appreciate that scratching the authorial itch here can be distanced while still letting people know at regular intervals that I am safe and moving ever onward.

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