Friday, August 21, 2015

The storm before The Storm

It's the last full day at the cabin in Lake Champlain. Unlike yesterday's early start to capture the infrequent intersection of sunrise and a choppy lake, today's alarm found me checking my phone, noting the continuing showers, and going to sleep for another hour.

Now, as I sit at Conroy's with Colin, the night's storms are being blown out of sight and we may actually get a nice last day at the lake. Whatever the weather, though, I doubt anything today will shake the knowledge that tomorrow I'll wake up in the same place I have so many times...and then start driving west. It's more than a little scary and I'm already looking forward to returning to Atlanta next weekend after five days of drastic driving. I suppose it's normal that, as I step out onto the high wire in earnest, I find myself sneaking a peek below me, squinting into the darkness beyond the spotlights, trying to confirm that there's a net.

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